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Truth & Propaganda

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Today we want to talk about a delicate subject yet a very important one: truth vs. official lies. More specifically, we want to talk about truth and propaganda.

It’s said that truth is the first casualty of war. And Churchill once said that in wartime, truth is so precious that it needs to be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.

That’s why propaganda plays such a large role in modern warfare. The fact is wars are conducted in part through lies and propaganda.

For example, in the early days of World War I, the British cut the undersea communications cables that ran from Germany to the U.S., which meant they could control what news reached Americans about what was going on overseas. They created inflammatory accounts of German atrocities to sway public opinion, like German soldiers skewering Belgian babies on bayonets (which was untrue). While there will always be individual acts of atrocity in wartime, these reports were largely propaganda meant to stir up public sentiment against Germany and support Britain's efforts at home and abroad.

In our own country today, President Wilson had special police forces arrest anyone reporting negative news on the progress of the war. Sound familiar?

It’s like the social media companies today canceling or censoring anyone who reports that the vaccines don’t work or masks don’t work. The media call it “misinformation” (even though it’s scientifically valid) and move on.

The same is true with the war in Ukraine. The propaganda machine kicked into overdrive early on.

The CIA and MI6 leaked a steady stream of anti-Russian lies to prop up morale. These lies were reprinted in warmonger media outlets like The Washington Post, The New York Times and NBC News.

That means it’s almost impossible for U.S. citizens to get the real story through mainstream media outlets. Still, there is some honest reporting going in if you know where to find it.

You just have to filter the sources and find those with good pipelines of information (including inside the government) who do not have a hidden agenda and are willing to speak the truth.

It’s not necessary to rely on Russian sources (the Russians are certainly not above propaganda, although they’re generally more truthful than the U.S. media, believe it or not). There are excellent analyses to be found among Swiss sources, German experts who are not in favor of the war and some on-the-ground reporting from the front lines on specialist websites.

One top commentator who fits this description is Colonel (Ret.) Douglas Macgregor, who wrote a recent commentary about the war. Macgregor points out that Russia is preparing for a full-scale counterattack to roll-back recent Ukrainian gains near the Donbas and Kherson.

The Russians have been consolidating their positions. resupplying, mobilizing troops, and preparing for winter warfare at which they excel. It’s just a matter of waiting for the ground to freeze so trucks and armor can maneuver without getting stuck.

He warns that Russia has already prepared its next move: an invasion of Poland via Belarus and Lithuania—a move that would cut off Ukraine from NATO support and allow Russia to encircle Kiev with its forces on three sides.

The attack could come as early as November or December at the latest. Yet, that is not Macgregor’s main concern.

He fears that if this escalation continues, we may see U.S. troops deployed to battle. The Pentagon recently deployed units of the 101st Airborne Division to Romania, just miles from its border with Ukraine.

"Airborne forces are generally light infantry that lack the firepower of mechanized infantry or armored units," Macgregor explains. "But if these forces did get directly involved in the fighting, heavier reinforcements would be on the way."

From there, it could be a short step to nuclear war with Russia.

To some, that might sound unrealistic or even paranoid. They’ll say it’s just scare-mongering. But this is a legitimate possibility, and there’s a real chance of it happening. The fact is, we’ve been on the path of escalation with Russia since 2008 and the tempo of escalation has accelerated since the war began in February. All experts on nuclear warfighting agree that if a nuclear war begins, it will be the result of escalation to the point that one side feels it is cornered and has no choice but to use nukes.

That point is getting closer by the day.

By the way, we are not apologizing for Putin or defending his invasion of Ukraine. We are just looking at the current situation and objectively analyzing where things could go next, based upon the facts.

And we are not making a specific prediction; we just give you the warning signs because the media doesn’t seem to want to.

With the United States and Russia locked in a heated standoff, it's easy to forget that there are other players in this game of international chess. China has been playing a very long game, and they just might be winning.

These are dark times, but don't let yourself get lost in the chaos. Keep your head on straight, and remember: we're all just pawns in China's game.

But seriously—the next few years might be pretty rough. We can't predict what will happen next, so it's important that you know the facts before you make any major decisions about your investments or your family's future.

Stay alert, stay informed.

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